Thursday, December 17, 2009

Adib and Level 2 Smart Reader

Adib missed the passing mark for level 2 Smart reader exam and in order to proceed to Level 3 he has to refer the paper. Hence, for the past 2 weeks , he got to attend classes from 8.30 to around 12 and this is kind of intensive , I guess.

The day that we got the result was the same day the UPSR result were annouced~and the result was collected by both Aki and Angah. Abah and mummy had a good laugh knowing the result ~~frankly, we didnt expect him to fail , we understand he's getting lazier for the past few months but it has never occurred to us that he can actually fail the exam. Along and Angah had passed the exams all along without anykind of hiccup so we thought Adib would be ok. All of us actually laughed hearing the news...a bonus point for being the youngest!

Anyway, we explained to him that he now has trouble to move to level 3 and Abah continued to tease about him having to take extra classes when other kids can enjoy their holidays playing around...

One day , he asked me.."mummy, kenapa tak cakap pun nak naik level 3~Adib tak tahu pun!" in other words, he was telling me if he knew that he need to pass, he had ensure that during the first attempt...Dont play with this boy , he has 1001 ideas in his mind...

So for the past 2 weeks he attended the classes and somehow he has been behaving very well, he woke up every morning without any hesitation~~kind of strange actually!
He has his exam today...on my way down to work, as usual i checked on him in his room and suprisingly i saw him doing his revision...he really took the exam very seriously this round.

Called the teacher this evening and Teacher Elly told me that he has passed with only 1 mistake on the writing paper...CONGRATULATION ADIB...we are all so proud of you..muah..muah..muah


Ejin said...

nampak bersungguh2 dia revise tu. Well done Adib ...mummy sure bangga hehehe

BTW apa komen angah biler tengok result pertama Adib?

fendifid said...

Lawak la adib ni...very playful. Habis pecah world record mummynya...ha ha ha.

but he is just a kid...let him enjoy his kids moment. layannnn