Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Finally, Adib is now Abang E-cik (it's actually Abang Kecik or Younger Brother). Alhamdulillah, after a long wait to each and everyone of us...from us the parents down to the Three Brothers...it is confirmed that we are now expecting our youngest "adik"( yes- youngest of the soon to be 4 siblings).
Adib is obviously the happiest among the three --he has been asking for an "adik" for ages as he is very fond of small kids and babies....even the olders boys are fond of babies....that is something special as i see it , it has to be inherited from Abah as i dont have that interest in me growing up !!

The boys like us , are hoping for a girl...arent they great kids??? I dont think it really matters to them if our baby is a girl or a boy but they know i am hoping and wishing for a girl and they just have that in their prayer! Doa sahaja....We talked about this before and have agreed long time ago, perhaps we are incapable to raise a girl~~tidak layak ~~thus we have to redha or accepting to Allah's will!

So then in 9 months time insyallah....


Ejin said...

Congrats once again Liz ...kekawan pun tumpang gembira!

fendifid said...

Lamanya nak tunggu 9 bulan kan kan kan.