These pictures were taken before all of us accompanied Adib for his orientation. See how excited he was.

During recess, I requested bibik to check on him...just to look from a distance if he able to buy what he wanted. He has been doing very well for the past 3 days.

Adib: Mummy nanti datang masa rehat ya
Mummy: Mummy pakai kain batik leceh lah nak salin
***I was actually wearing my jeans as I just came back from the hospital**
Adib: tu mummy pakai jeans kan
Mummy: Ni sebab nak gi hospital, terpaksa lah pakai jeans
Adib: Pergi sekolah pun boleh jugak terpaksa pakai jeans. Kat sekolah ada ramai mak mak datang masa rehat dan ada SORANG BIBIK.
Mummy: Bibik sapa?
Adib: Bibik kite lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
There you go.. our Mat Dib--
To Abang Chik, we wish you success......and BUAT HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bagus dia punya ayat utk pujuk ngko tu! Adib nampak smart ngan uniform dia ...good luck Adib! enjoy school yea ...
he looks matured ... ala kesian adib ya.., takpa, Mommy hantar spy kira okay banget tu..auntie terus tak pegi check dah after the first day :)
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