First of all, happy birthday dear Abah.....the boys should have realised it as much as I do that Abah is always a good father, not always strict but always accomodating. I sincerely think that he is alsoa better parent ... and i only have like half of his parenting talents!
Anyway.....we celebrated among us first for lunch at Swiss Garden, plesae click here!
and later in the evening , dinner with Tok Bibah, Tok Ana, Chumad and Mak Usu. They were here to see Aariz for the first time...
Before dinner, we had 2 games of bowling. Since I know Chumad also bowls and quite good at it, i suggested that we went bowling before dinner...and champion for the evening was Chumad. Terror orang Johor ya! On that note, need to also annouce that I have break my less-than-one hundred scoring ...yaye!!!!!

********even Mak Usu had a few attempts********
For dinner, as expected by the boys, we went to Mahkota for salted crabs but too bad, tak de rezeki, they dont have crab that nite and we got to opt for salted prawns.... 
*****Kindly ignore Along**********

Apasal muka Afi camtu? Frust tak dapat ketam ke?
eh..same month ngan Wira..mesti penyabar orangnya kan! haha..sabaq jer laa..!!
Aries ke? Niejat hang saying teh opposite certain extend ye jugak
Nasek, I mean it...most penyabar , yg tak reti sabarnye , aku ler tu hehehe!
oh certain extend lah on both being penyabar and tidak...
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