SKIM organised its
"Sport Day" last sunday.

With Angah holding the
olahragawan title last year, this sport event was awaited by all of us, ---basically we are concerned if he can retain the title this year.

Unlike last year (whereby he participated in 4 events), this year max for each student is only 3 events, so he had 3 track events i.e. 100m, 200m and 4X100m

Unfortunately, Angah failed to keep his title, lost it to a standard 6 boy...Angah missed by one gold as he got a silver for the 100m run.

The run is one thing but the best part for this year event was some drama surrounding
a new pair of track spikes.

I think I have mentioned before that his track talent is inherited from Abah. Abah was once a upon a time a sprinter. Thus Abah has all the required knowledge about the preparation--food, day-before prep, the field gear etc. We were told about the event at the very last minute, like two days before when Angah mentioned that he wanted to buy a running shoes. That saturday we went shopping to get him his new pair. It was not easy to find spikes, we went to 2 malls before we found them . There are only 2 available types for kids and we bought him the better pair of the two. However, what Angah has in mind is Nike Mercurial which dont even have his size and that shoes are for soccer. Thus , he reluctantly tried the spikes that we chose and pulled a long face. We bought the shoes anyway.
Regardless of Abah's reminder that the track spikes are to be worn without socks, he actually did and didnt even bother to tie the shoe laces properly. I think he's showing his anger and being miserable but he told me it was unintentionally. As a result , he lost his first games...

He was so dissapointed that he made a lot of fuss--blaming the shoes-- in the middle of the field right after he finished the line....if only there's no teachers and friends, he would get a spank from me..Despite of that , I was worried knowing his determination in winning, so I asked Abah to console him. So Abah went to him, gave him a few "inspiring" words ( i think) and he was ok rightafter--personally we think he could have won that 100m run if only he listened earlier. True enough, his second run for the 200m, he managed to secure a gold and started to smiling away. Being a pemangku PIBG for the day, Mummy helped to present medals for a few events which inlcudes Angah's 200m.

Then he won his second for 4X100m....

Only then, he told us, it was easier with the spikes...Abah final words to him was
"in life be humble and dengar cakap mak ayah , jangan jadi sombong"....
He replied " Angah mana tahu".....We think he learned a good lesson that day...
Finally the overall score seeing a tie between the Red and Green teams thus they shared the title as the Best team of the year.
However, for some reason..the red team was holding the trophy like they won it alone.

Ada pulak budak standard one sorang terselit...

Kelakarnya peel ngades Angah tu. I always thought only my daughter suka buat peel degil camtu...kisahnya...
Memang kids susah sangat nak dengar nasihat parents kan kan kan. I can imagine muka berkerut sambil muncung senget ngetap bibir kak long masa layan Angah. Lariiiii
hahahahaha ...lawak le angah nie sure dia disappointed, but ada lagi next year utk kejar title olahragawan tu ...
P/S Awat mummy cam dah berisi sket ...tetttttsssss LOL
kau punya pasal lah ejin...asyik suh aku makan cake...SR tu asyik muka aku aje tak kira hari
laaaa ...bukan fendi ke yang selalu buat promo cakes and dessert ...salahkan fendi lah
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