After being postponed, one date after another finally we managed to organised majlis bercukur for Aariz last week. Aariz was almost 10 months. The delay was basically due to Aariz himself jugak...we just need to be 100% sure that he is ready for crowd and having people touching him freely without having to sanitize beforehand. Yes, for almost 6 months or so --during his quarantine (until hari raya)..we sanitized our hands before every single touch. Cant take things for granted~The marhaban group is a all-ladies..they recited the Yassin first and later the marhaban. I was pleased that the older brothers helped out or take part during the "bercukur". Their involvement makes the whole occassion to be extra special.
Being boys, they can be unpredictable at time-being too involved with computer games and all--thus when they willingly following the "acara" and helped along without showing any hesitation--blissful--
i hope my boys will grow up to be those who uphold and respect responsibilities..."anak yg soleh" insyallah.
We have been keeping Aariz's hair for more than 2 months I think...purposely for this
occassion...finally glad that we got to shave him again. for some reason , i cant stand boys with long serabut ajer....
I prefer boys with hair...he he he.
photo afi mata kuyu tu mahall.
Me too ..... I think aariz lagi handsome ada rambut ....
ha..ha..ha..mata mat afi mmg mahal cangat
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