Monday, November 19, 2012

Angah got 5As for UPSR

The result is out today and alhamdulillah Angah got his 5As. I always think Angah has done good preparation for his UPSR. He only got 4As for his trial but that result doubled his effort to an extent. We all went to the school at 10am sharp--mummy, abah , along, adib and our dearest aariz--we dragged aariz along eventhough that was his morning nap time :)

 The first teacher we met at the canteen was Cikgu Shahrul and without hesitation he informed us the good news--"aimran ok"...and i had tears in my eyes. We didnt tell Angah but wait for Puan Nyon to make the annoucement.The result for SKIm was not that encouraging--the numbers of 5As students are only 18 and that was the same score as prior year, but overall percentage slightly increase if i heard correctly.

Angah was quite confident taht he would get his 5As from the day the exam ended and we were quite comfortably confident also because we saw his effort and based on his assurance on the exam itself. Because of that, we actually had bought him his G Shock watch last night--I asked abah if we were really buying before the result? Abah said he has got one of his UPSR presents. So Angah is we patiently wait for PMR result. i am one proud mom today....Congratulations Angah


Ejin said...

Well done Angah make your mummy and abah proud! Keep up the academic excellence, and Aunty Ejin is very sure that you will do well in whatever field that you will choose later on in life! Sementara itu, relax dulu ...and ask for a holiday from Abah (cakap Aunty Ejin nak ikut sama)

fendifid said...

Congratulations aimran. Cayokkkk. Teruskan usaha utk lebih berjaya. Dah gaya cikgu tulis dlm report kad lak. He he.