Adib was born on Oct 3rd 2004 Sunday (18 Syaaban1425) in the same private hospital Angah was delivered. I think it is a fact that the more often you bring new soul into this world, the faster the delivery will be...for some reason lah. So Adib was the fastest among the 3..My first contraction started about 7-8 in the morning and we had Adib at 11.13am. I had epidural deliverying Adib, the whole labour was as I said fast but not without its own suspense element to it. For the third time, there were me and abah, but this round perhaps with 2 past experience, abah was a little bit relax and at times he was acting more than the doctor...he made comments like the 'push' was wrong, got to re do, take a deep breath and a personal trainer...Adib came out alright but there was no sound..yes, he did not cry like the other two screaming their heart the joy become horror...the moment Adib was out the doctor rushed him to the other room...abah was like pushed back to the chair , then went to see what went wrong...the whole event was very fast then we heard the waaaaaaaa...and I praised to Allah....Adib had the cord twirled around his body, and about to become stressed inside i was told it is a normal procedure for doctor to shut the baby from crying until they clean the mouth or something to ensure the baby not taking in his own poo????? something like that...There we have Adib, our little baby(not so little he is now)...a boy with big eyes, big head and very colourful character.....Love dearly and being pampered as dearly by each of us, mummy, abah, along and angah...