Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Who's taking UPSR this year??

Let the pictures tell the story

The pictures were taken by abah..abah was actually watching tv at Adib's side while he busy reading his Bacalah Anakku..After a while the sounds subsided and he had actually dozed off. Adib is suprisingly quite disciplined in his homeworks and learning as a whole.

Certain nights , he will recite after angah to improve his readings...and most of the time they will end the session with a fight because Angah has his certain way of teaching whereby he always wants adib to say the aphabet first before saying the "A" then only comes the "Abu". But Adib who love to tease Angah..(every chance that he has), straight away go for "Abu". And the shouting starts...Angah will give up the teaching and Adib shouting for him to continue but still not wanting to follow the teacher's technique....and the cycle continues....until mummy comes into the scene...............


Ejin said...

owhhhh sweet ...hehehe sampai tertido like that reminds me of his mummy yang terlentok kat meja masa study malam-malam kat A Level dulu ...hehehehe ...and don't say you dah lupa!

Liz Duan said...

he..he..he...kerja baca sampai tidur tu sampai sekarang..the very the me...anyway Adib tadi upon looking at his pictures sleeping like that, tanya sape tangakp gambar ni? pastu kite cakap abah...and he replied, "nak kena belasah abah ni!"

fendifid said...

kah kah kah....lawak tol adib ni nak belasah abah dia.

fido said...

tu baru tadika! ko imagine klu dia amik exam yg ptg??!!