Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Birthday card

This is my first year receiving a proper birthday card from the boys. They bought the card with their own cash last sunday during our normal outing to the mall. I initially thought like previous years , they will make me a card themselves and to my suprise on sunday they told me that they wanted to buy me card.

In the stationery department, they were making all sort of scenes--- Along was trying to make the card a suprise, undersatnding his attempt , I actually waited a distance away from them when Angah came running towards me waving a card. At that instance, Along shouted and scolded Angah for his blunt act...so they had another round of choosing...

This is what they got for me:

I specifically told them , that I want them to write something on the card --not to just sign off the print message. When the card was handed to me, Along told me that "Mummy sorry kite tak tahu nak tulis apa-apa, lagi pun tak de tempat nak tulis kat card ni"...

Little dissapointed for the first 1 second..........but overly excited and overwhlemed with emotion once i flipped the card and saw scribbles....brief message but knowing that those words are genuinely theirs had really made my day extra special .

To the boys...i love the 3 of you with all my heart and soul. At Certain time......i complained for not having a girl --- and i know that when you guys said that you hope to get a little sister----it is all about me--but the truth is i dont really care......i am contented and blessed with us!


ZZ said...

Liz, Every child is a blessing.. lets look at it this way - 15 years from now you'll have 3 daughter in laws.. ok le tu..

fendifid said...

ok la tu...jangan demand banyak sangat...kang tulis 1000 words tapi sume tiru kat buku ke kad lain ke...tak best gak...biar simple but we know they express their true feeling...lagi best.