Sunday, April 4, 2010

Weekend activities

There are a few activities the boys do during weekend and two of them are as follows:
1) Drawing - this come and go...the moment the drawing block is all used up, it will stop for a while until the next replenishment...

2) Chatting - the boys are far more advance than us-the grown up...they chat thru YM...and yesterday Adib had a go with Along's friends....and I should have a proper posting to annouce that Adib can read and spell now both malay and proud of him.
While chatting he also wrote some text and once a while he will ask for Along to help out spelling some words and the friend at the other end was screaming " tak tahu eja jangan chat lah"..and he replied " ohh jahat ehhh"

He also do FB chatting...usually using Along's id, choose a friend that he knows and wrote nonsense to him or her..his main favourite is of course , Shafiq!


fendifid said...

kah kah kah...caya la adib...very current type of kid.

Ejin said...

well done adib ...pas nie pi le chatting ngan kekawan mummy hehehehe