Aariz was first sent to room1 then less than a week to room 3 and a few days in Room 4 because room 3 was too packed. Most days of his stay in NICU were spent in Room 5. After being discharged from room 5, patients are sent to SCN i.e. Special Care Nursery before completely being released from the hospital.
Thus when Aariz was proceed to Room 5, we were so eager for SCN and thought it was a matter of a very few days but we were all wrong. Aariz weight was up and down and that was a bit frustrating , reason is unknown, but the nurses did mention he used extra energy in crying which his is more frequent than others, and from sucking the soother.
Since he is exclusively fed with breastmilk, i think that contributes for the slow progress in weight gain as well. If i count it correctly Aariz was in Room 5 for more than a month, on Feb 5th- a saturday , during our morning visit the nurse told us that Aariz would be released to SCN....it actually happened when we least expected it--life is like that sometimes, right? another blessing!

Abah helped to push the cot from NICU to SCN...in the plastic bag were Aariz's stock of breastmilk..yummyyyy.
On Sunday Feb6th, mummy was allowed to stay with Aariz. I was overwhelmed, knowing that next destination would be home, this is something ive been looking forward!
My first picture of Aariz.
...that very nite i busied myself by sending mms to family and close friends....God, I love this boy to bits and pieces

During his first few days in the incubator (during his stay in NICU), Aariz was not clothed except for the diapers. Once he was shifted to the cot, he was dressed in pink hospital gown.
The gown is such a sore to the eyes...it was not ironed and bright pink - boys in pink gown ? who would have agreed?

Aariz was all prepared for his first nite with mummy!
On Feb9th he was put on the scale again and having fed him on demand since the day we stayed together, the weight has increased from 1.722kg to 1.832kg, an increase of 110grams and that was a record on its own!
He hits the 1.8kg requirement and that was the ticket for home....
Finally, the very next day Feb 10th Aariz was discharged from Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan Kuantan for good. Words cant describe my appreciation to all the doctors, the specialist: Dr Chan, Dr Chin, Dr Farah and Dr Sumitra, other doctors-to name a few -Dr Huda, Dr Nurul, Dr Murni and of course all the nurses, who fed my son, who changed his diapers , who hold him closed when he cried just for a simple hug....Thank you so much!
First few photos at home:

The 3 older boys have shown great affection towards our precious one and their gestures have really touched my heart...
My boys and not to be forgotten their dearest Abah are really my love and joy in this life i have.
Happy with the excellent progress...Kalau ada rezeki...kita jumpa nanti.
such a strong little guy...am so speechless to see him..hugs n kisses to Aariz :)
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