Hence, when Abah asked me to make a wild guess, I didnt make any....but made a joke on him saying that his number is way too ambitious.
And once again, Abah had it right.....Aariz is today 2.42kg....an increase of 600 grams for 2 weeks---Abah's guess was 300g increase per week....JACKPOT!
Basically since we brought him home, we have been feeding him like there's no tomorrow..emmm not to that extend lah but we try our best to really follow his demand...we were hesitate at first to increase his feeding, afraid that he might not be able to tolerate after 2 months of tight scheduled feeding...but the doctor did inform that once at home we can serve him as much as he wants....
So we increase 10ml each time, and now he's taking 20ml of breastmilk and 60ml of formula at each feeding 3 hourly, and his feeding time is documented, to ensure that he wont miss any, more than 4 hours....he never did, the longest break between feeding so far is 3.5 hours. This pattern is well expected...they are all the same...boys being boys, i cant really say that, can I? since i dont have a girl for comparison perhaps all babies are like that at this early age.

1 comment:
comeinya aariz...good to see aariz muka makin penuh...kecik kecik pun kuat minum susu....that's good.Nak pegang still suspen kan....rasa cam cute sangat.
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