Aariz was recently hospitalised for 6 days. It all started with some mild cough then it became quite severe. He may be get the infection from Angah but the dry and humid weather is not helping as well. We visited the clinic twice but there was no improvement at all. After 4 days we decided to bring him to the hospital and were admitted straight away. It was kind of expected actually, because we could see he had difficulty breathing.

So we checked in for 6 days in Kuantan Specialist Hospital--moved 3 rooms..that was for my convenience :) , got nothing to do with Aariz...he just happy having a matress underneath and a pillow...but mummy got to find a single room with window. Those are the moments that i appreciate the sun so much!

The procedure was first to wrap him with a blanket then the therapist will pat his back , but i can tell it was not like a gentle pat --they were quite hard--taht was actually to release phlegm which has gone inside the lung...once the pleghm is out from the lung, the therapist will start sucking it out through the nose and mouth. So it is good to pat your baby's back whenever your baby had a cough. It will ease breathing.

Now his treatment is to use the inhaler twice a day...

On the 7th day , we were discharged and for some reasons, he cried a lot once reached home...I think he must have gained some energy with all the medicine and antibiotics.....He even cried when we bathed him which had never happened before (he was hospitalised). Thank god he's getting better now....got to talk to him endlessly during bathing.

Another new skill ( apart from the tantrum ) that he collected from the hospital was watching television. He can now really sit on his rocker and watch and making noises...as if talking back or singing along with the television...Know what Astro has "Baby TV"....awesome right ??? So that has become the most watched channel in the house currently--means we have to subscribe after this free viewing ...phewwww...

kesiannya the little guy..:(
alahai ...cian nyer ...Al dulu masa kecik2 pun ada this sort of treatment..i mean yang tepuk2 belakang tu ...mmg kesian tengok kalau baby kena nep and kena tepuk cam tu :-(
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