Last 2 weeks was a school holidays and unfortunately
Adib was down with
chicken pox..thank god, his, was a mild one...I am not really sure actually, if he really had a mild type or his antibody is just so strong that it able to fight the virus. But that is Adib, i dont remember him being conducive to sickness....irregardless if he had a fever, or having a bee stung his eyes or even when he had a fractured arm...he can just run around non stop except for sleeping.

He had the chicken pox close to 2 weeks, and throughout the period , he asked me daily whether he can kiss Aariz or hold him. You guys should know that Adib has been a very good big brother to Aariz, he can help to keep his eyes on him whenever we asked him to.

Of course, having the virus inside the house, we were worried about Aariz so much. However, a doctor friend told me that if I have had a chicken pox, Aariz wont get the virus because being less than 6 months, my antibody still circulates inside information right? to me at least!
*********practising his acting skill*********
That's for Angah , he was circumcised during the holidays.
**********the Before face***********
This "sunat" has been postponed from last Dec to the first term holiday, and this round , we (mummy and abah) just could not come up with any other as promised we have him circumcised. He didnt even want to wait for a proper kenduri ( which has to wait for the renovation to finish). Why? because he doesnt want to be the last boy to bersunat in his class.
The traditional method was chosen ,and we granted his wish. He had seen Along with his clamp and due to that he opted for his choice. A doctor told me that the traditional way is more accordance to the islamic requirement- how true is his statement, I cant tell as I did not look up for other opinions. Recovery period is 2 weeks compared to Along's which was one whole month...
*************the After face**********
And these are how the 2 weeks holidays passed by.......
cepat la dapat menantu
pas tu giliran Adib plak ...lama lagi tu
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