Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Aariz is 2 Years old

It was last Dec13th...Aariz has turned 2...cepat masa berlalu-such a little little baby at 1.1kg tetiba dah 2 years..I think he is about 10kg kot I remember there are still 1-2 injections that we need to take for him...this weekend lah!

This is pic of him at about 4 months...wearing all newborn only boy who could fit the newborn clothing punya lah..he..he..

Aariz is still not walking but recently like 2-3 days ago for the first time ever he had managed 3-5 steps in a go...few months before his 2nd birthday he managed to stand on his to stabilise his body for a while and sat again...then he made one to two steps and dropped again...until these few days...the steps are building up...He just knew that everytime we stand him we would want him to walk...and he will walk with a scream and laughter and after brief steps would just push himself to whoever waiting for him...
Bibik has given him intensive physical exercise actually...and we really thank bibik for her effort...every afternoon instead of using the stroller, bibik now gets Aariz to do daily walk to the padang by holding his hands...Just a matter of time insyallah.

And our little angel ni tersangat lah...gayatnya..he can scream his heart out by just putting him on the tv cabinet which is so extremely low kan?
He eats and drinks almost about everything...but there are time that he takes so little milk and that worries us..basically bibik would reports his intake...just in case I make sure that we check on his food regularly.

On tv programmes:
Did I tell here before that he is so done with Baby he watches Nickoledeon, Disney and his favourites prog are Upin and Ipin, Boboiboy, Dora...Dora lelaki tu apa? lupa pulak...and a handful others which only bibik knows..if Bibik leaves then I have to write down the prog title and time!

His words are getting clearer rather than just some mumble...he develops certain sound to tell certain "abai" for pandai and he would clap his hands...we always "pandai" him and that so often that whenever he did something and we are watching , he would say himself "abai" and clap his hands.
"Abab" for tell that he has tasty food...and if it doesnt suit his taste he would use his fingers and dig out the food from his boy huh!

It does bring a lot of joy and delights raising a kid...and having a baby ..happy birthday light up our lives in your every little ways and loving you so dearly!

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