Monday, February 2, 2009

First encounter with aunty ejin

The boys know AuntyEjin, way before Bandung , from mummy's photo album and of course from "30-something" but their first met was during our trip to Bandung...and we spent 4 days 3 nights there together shopping, eating, time in the apartment...and the outcome...just recently, Angah told me that he has decided where to go for uni and i asked where UK maybe or perhaps Australia...and he said a university in Sarawak......I am speechless!

this is actually like aunt ejin's favourite post for a picture.


fendifid said...

Sib baik angah yang kata...kalau menantu aku yang nak ke Uni Kat Sarawak tu...sape nak tolong aku jaga Misha kat UK nanti?

Ejin said...

I had a great time knowing the boys too! Tapi angah, kan aunty ejin dah pesan aritu - jangan mai sini - kalau kat UK ke Australia ke, senang Aunty Ejin, mummy, abah and uncle Fendi sekeluarga datang visit ...kat sini, kang Aunty Ejin kena bagi report kat mummy setiap minggu ...penat woooo

Aimran said...

tak pelah angah tak takut pun kalau aunty ejin report kat mummy sebab angah dah biasa kena marah

Ejin said...

mana boleh macam tu .... kang aunty ejin yang kena tempias kena marah ngan mummy...sapa nak jawap???

Ejin said...

lagipun aunty ejin GARANG tau!!!!