Monday, August 10, 2009

Kelapa muda with Aki

Apart of chasing each other around the house, scaring the chickens or just fooling around with all sort of games that they can think of - another favourite activity in Pekan is to drink kepala muda - pluck the coconut straight from the tree, after that Aki will cut the outer part and the boys will drink from the coconut itself...

Aki is one very kind hearted soul i have ever encountered...Loving Aki comes naturally and the boys just adore him dearly....


Ejin said...

nampak budak2 tu having fun! And sedapnyer air kelapa fresh cam tu ...aku kena ban from minum air kelapa for a while...mak aku kata sejuk, tak sesuai utk asthma

fendifid said...

katanya air kelapa alkalinekan the body.