Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Police Cadet

First year in secondary school, Along has excitedly chosen Cadet Police as his uniformed Co -Curriculum activities. The whole uniform together with the cap resembles perfectly with the real police uniform and even more with that silver bracelet hang to the shirt. I dont think policeman have that, right?

This is his first day wearing the uniform, and he happily asked me to snap a picture or two for his new facebook profile pic. I ended up took couple of pictures because I just cant stand his Garfield is just too droopy...geram betul kah..kah..kah...

He will be wearing this uniform every wednesday...ironically, he wore the uniform yesterday and by noon, he was informed that there will be a matching activity that same afternoon and he actually skipped that because the weather was boiling hot......
talking about enthusiasm and Along...


Ejin said...

very smart looking! but yealah ...mata mcm garfield sket hehehe

fendifid said...

boleh pulak skip skip marching? terror afi ni.