Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Swimming class

Last saturday, was a school replacement day for Chinese New Year break- the kinder chose to follow friday's timetable so the kids had swimming lesson for the first 1-2 hours. The pool just started operation again a month ago after being closed down for almost 2 years for certain filter or pump problem, thank god...it ONLY took 2 YEARS to fix that problem if not Adib will lose his chance to learn swimming during kindergarten.

Saturday is an off day for me thus I took that liberty to send and wait for Adib thru out the whole class. Went straight to the pool and wait for others...Angah followed us on the other hand Along missed the opportunity as he had a replacement class himself.

The kids lined up before entering the premise.
Then line up again at the pool side..split into 2 groups : 5 and 6 years..hands up and down.

Then sitting in a line ...splashing the water

Later stand in a line again ...and jumped one by one into the pool

There were loads of "line up" activities going on that day:)
Angah had his dip ...swimming himself around the many many kids


Ejin said...

best nyer tadika ada kelas swimming ..punya le excited adib nak swim sampai dah pakai baju mandi dulu padahal yang lain2 masih pakai baju kuning tu ...hehehe

fendifid said...

best...adib told me when i was in indera mahkota that he was so excited to go for swimming class.