And we waited until last 2 weeks, after our first visit to the hospital. It's our normal practice on the boys, we always keep their hair at minimum length (not that licin though-it's no 2 on the barber shaver)---after all they are boys :)--- until the year they entered primary school.

I am not sure whether it is sunat or what , but I think it is advisable to shave off the initial hair. Dont worry, new hair will bloom in no time! See how much dirt underneath?,
perhaps it is because we have not shampooed him since birth but we did use water to clean his head. That day was the first time we shampooed him.
The end result...very licin!

Talking about hair, i really have problem with our teenaged brother's "peacock" hairstyle-- i call it peacock because the back hair is combed upward like the peacock feathers and the front is combed flat to one side. I've made a lot of noise about Along's recent hairstyle but he just ignores me and dare to ask me to iron his hair or have it straighten..............???? I cant wait for his next visit to the barber and know what, he told us he wants to go to hair salon not the barber...we had the boys tried hair salon once and now they are requesting for more....that is unbelievable!! Memang nak kena piat telinga!---Along read this and he laughed...mmg nak kena piat sungguh!
misha dulu memang lahir tak banyak we did not shave her hair.
nanti adik misha kalau takde rambut pun shave ajer , i think it's sunat and some says banyak kebaikan nya
comel ...dia dah chubby sket ...anak buah aku both dulu lahir2 ajer mmg botak ..after 2 years old baru ada rambut ...kami spesis kurang rambut kot :-)
Hi Axim...kabare!
All my girls got shaved too followed by pulut kuning..of course buat kat kampung. Kalau kat rumah sendiri mcm ni jugak.. glad to see muka ariiz dah chubby and comel.. baiknya dia kena shave..gerram.., anak aku ngeyau tak sangga!!
ha..ha..ha...ngeyau ..lama tak dgr :)
cari masa dia nak tidur..and aariz ni kalau dipegang mmg confirm tidur lena...kalau letak mcm mcm bunyi ada.
Ejin, hang bukan spesis krg rambut...your hair tebal--sebelah Jane kot :)
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