It started back in January or perhaps late 2010, when Angah and a couple of his friends were invited by Cikgu Tengku to join her daughter learned bowling (at Kuantan Premium Lane). This is basically individual effort, nothing got to do with the school's co curicullum.

Then sometimes in January, Angah participated a bowling tournament and returning from this tournament, he requested me to buy him the bowling starter package which consists of a ball, a pair of shoes and a bag...and this costs a whooping RM348. I turned him down at the very first request... and being persistent as he always be, he then approached Abah and he got a YES without any hesitation from our dear abah. I was like... "that was easy!"
With "lucky star" shining brightly in that january even Along got his starter package.

Did I mention 'storm" just now? I did right ....There was no "storm" on the above story but when Adib got his 6lbs bowling ball plus a pair of shoes and Abah bought 2 for himslef and a pair of shoes as well--that is when I realised that this is really a storm hit!

Thus, currently bowling is our favourite pastime...every weekend without fail!
I am the only one without any bowling ball and shoes. I was already being offered actually but at the rate of interest the boys and abah are showing, I let them concentrate on whatever gears they want to have. They already talking about investing in all sort of balls ..spinning, straight, soft, hard, medium soft, that brand, this brand...well it is abah's style, if you want to do something, do it with passion and full force--- and with style, of course....!!
i saw in FB afi and aimran wanted to sell the starter set. why?
dah nak beli yg bola canggih2 utk itu utk ini....sama naik dgn duan
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