It was last 2-3 weeks when Ayah Im treat the whole family lunch...I asked Mak Ndak what's the occassion, "promotion?"...her reply was " lebih kurang lah". So betul lah tu.
Just a note Mak Ndak is now carrying their second child, perhaps in conjunction with that as well. As they want to go for tomyam and thai food, we suggested our another favourite spots, New Horizon is nice and the price is reasonable also. After lunch, we extended the outing to the bowling alley...winner for the day was Cik Lah--not bad huh!
On a different occassion...another close 2010 -- 2 or 3 weeks before I delivered Ahmad Aariz, yes this is like basi , it was last year, we brought the family to this ikan bakar and seafood spot...
Syoknya...makan ramai ramai.
wow..big family!!..bestnya..
best nyer ...makan ramai2 cam tu is always fun kan ...
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