Thursday, January 5, 2012

Adib and Kafa 2012

And the school session starts again...basically we have done our preparation for school quite early--new clothes for all the 3, new stationeries, new shoes and new bag for Along only. Angah and Adib--theirs are only one year old, so i asked them to use for another year....Adib dah tension..he commented "mummy ni kedekut lah, tadi keluar cash banyak". He saw me took out some cash from the atm...not knowing that they are for bibik :)

That shopping part was done but I missed Adib's registration for Kafa. Kept calling the school but they dont seem to answer phone calls or perhaps even the office was closed for school holiday--i dont know. I even applied for one day leave (on the last friday of 2011)to check the Kafa's office but we was greeted with closed doors..and there was a notice stated that the registration was 2 days before. Gosh! and I actually called daily during the week....sabar je lah.

I was so just in case i looked banners for other sekolah agama and this conversation came up:

Adib: kalau tak dpt masuk kafa, mummy aje lah ajar adib

Mummy: mummy tak de masa lah adib

Adib: mummy tu kerja tengok movies aje

Mummy: mummy tengok movie sebab mummy nak rehat ( mummy tak nak ngaku kalah :)

Adib: kalau mummy ajar adib ngaji, mummy bukan buat apa...dengar aje..bukan penat pun...

Tak ke terpanah hati mummy dengar tu ???

Apa nak cakap...action speaks louder than words right? .....the kids are watching....

By the way, I sent Adib on his first day of kafa and realised that the registration for existing student is automatic...thank god!


fendifid said...

Cute la adib...idea dia bernas.

Adib x komplen penat ke kena g 2 sekolah? Misha sekolah agama till std 4 je.

Ejin said...

Hahahaha ...mummy nie, tengok movies jer lah ....bukan nak blogging ke ...nak gardening ke lol ....adip nie creative, selalu thinking outside the box

Liz Duan said...

adib songgel tu initially dia kata dia tak nak tahun 2 kafa so masa surat dtg to confirm , aku ignore je lah...dah dia kat apenat itu ini..sekali a few days before sekolah tutup, dia cakap dia nak sambung...abang2 dia dok suruh dia continue sebab dia org kata adib masuk kafa adib pandai bahasa dia kembang lah kot.