We shaved Aariz's hair yesterday morning before his morning bath...these are picures taken this very morning...very much like Shaolin temple babies kan?

Just like d abang abang....this will continue until he enrols into school....i just cant stand lah boys with long hair....mcm semak aje kepala he..he...even now d only abang yg i think looks nice with slightly longer hair is angah....along n adib cam tak sesuai aje...semak muka...ha..ha..

oklah that is all for this morning...want to bring my baby downstairs to inhale d fresh air...weather is still very cooling in kuantan....ala ala london jugak uncle fend :)
I am opposite...prefer baby with hair.
suka tgk Aariz mengiring tu...lepas mandi, bestnya nak ngomol2...
nasek, template blog aku just ambik kat template designer tu jer...and aku rasa dah byk font choices skrg.. tgh rajin dok explore tu yg tukar macam2, hmm kalau tak, harus gitu.. :D
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