On day 2 he updated me..." mummy adib bagitahu cikgu yang adib nak jadi ketua darjah"
Then cikgu cakap, "ok boleh kita tengok votes"
and cikgu asked the class to raise their hands if they vote for adib....and i guessed the cikgu will announce something like this .."sapa sokong adib jadi ketua darjah--angkat tangan"
Adib said he looked around and nobody raise their hand or raise anything at all....and i burst into laughter.
And he also continued his story and commented " padahal mummy, adib dah jadi baik dah naik tahun 2 ni...semua cikgu adib panggil puan"....

abang-abang and my self laughed even louder!
I really dont get it about calling the teachers "puan"......Adib is just hillarious!
I really dont get it about calling the teachers "puan"......Adib is just hillarious!
adoiiii ...kelakar lah adib nie ....awat panggil puan instead of cikgu?
aku pun pelik...
lawak antarabangsa.
haha..salute his guts, somehow panggil Puan is normal at my kids school..but for me, mcm tak best jer..
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