Lunch time we went to a CNY open house --fulfilling invitation from Mr Wong, mummy's ex HLB boss...and so happened his first daughter is also studying in SABS with Along but in a different class. Uncle Wong actually told Along to watch over her daughter...to become sort of a body guard...Fortunately his daughter is one adorable nice looking girl so i commented that Along will take good care of her ensuring nobody has a go with the girl but himself...marah Along!

So...the intial plan was KB but Aki was not too well for a long distance so we changed the destination to the water park next door... Bukit Gambang Water Park..


Thank god, Ayah De arrived at 9.30 thus we managed to get the tickets within 15-20 minutes. It looked like the whole Kuantan actually had some sort of gathering over there...the place was just over crowded and crammed with people ...orang macam U.T kata Uncle Fend.

Cik Ti + Cik La with Mat Akil @ Mat Kokil @ Akil Luqman

Mak Ndak+ Ayah Im with the not so petite...Na-na @ Ketik-Na @ Qistina

Abah , Adib and Li-Cha @ Alisya...

Adib and Cha @ Farisya...

Left Bukit Gambang at 1pm and off to bandar Kuantan for lunch..

Aki and Ayah Im...Tok was not able to join because she had a stomach ache...


Ayah De + Mok De and the girls.....

Cik Ti and Mat Akil...
Very crowdednya tempat tu. Apa kata Duan buat proposal bina 1 more taman air dekat dekat area rumah korang.
tempat dekat secepot...bila cuti org bertimbun baru nak pergi ...gitulah jadinya....
mak aiii crowded nyer ...panas plak tu ...tapi budak2 suka le kan ..
mmg panas...budak2 mana ada rasa panas sipa cakap sejuk ajer duk dlm pool.....muka semua senaung hitam lepas tu
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